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Consultation Costs


$  90 Initial consultation including remedies


$ 40 Follow up Consultation


Online Consultations are available

Booking is essential


What are the Liquid crystals
  • Liquid crystal consultation has the potential to achieve emotional, physical and spiritual healing.

    Prior to a consultation to assist in unlocking parts of your souls blue print. Robert Will ask you to provide your full name at birth, any nick-names, date and location of birth.

  • * depending on the consultation type child’s & partners details.

  • Within a consultation Robert will Listen to your needs

  • Robert may ask you your medical history.

  • Robert will ask if you are having any emotional areas  of  healing.

     Robert Will ask you what you wish to achieve as a outcomes of the consultation.

  • Initial Consultations are -1hour in length

  • Robert will listen to your concerns and document your healing paths in an  attempt to offer solution to your healing needs.

  • Dependent on the Consultation option the prescription and supply of Liquid crystal remedies and documentation regarding the healing will be supplied post consult.

  • Consultation options
    Reiki 30 minutes – to an hour.
    Liquid crystal consultation – 30min

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The Liquid crystals

The Liquid Crystals (TLC) are geometric, vibrational remedies made from the Earth's metals, minerals and crystals. They are change facilitators - healing spiritual, emotional, mental and, therefore, physical imbalance. They were created by Justin Moikeha Asar via an ancient remembered process that embraces crystalline integrity, sacred geometry, alchemy, solar, luna and universal energy. According to Justin, The Liquid Crystals have returned to facilitate our planet back to Oneness by reuniting the crystalline grids - above, below and within humanity.

The Liquid Crystals are organic, natural and wholistic. They are not orthodox medical drugs or medicine. As a vibrational therapy, TLCs will not interfere in the action of any other medication or treatment and is perfect for the whole family. There are no side effects. Some of the best results seen from the Crystals have been in children who respond very rapidly to them. TLCs can be given to animals and plants. 

Consultation Process
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Monday -  Thursday   6:30 - 9:30pm

Friday                        10:00am- 8.30pm 
Saturday                   10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday                      on request

Asc. Master, R.Holland. 
Advanced Liquid Crystal therapist
Teacher, advocate, Healer, Angel, 33.

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