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  • Autism & adhd labeled children.

  • Emotional healing for all.

  • Sensitive children - emotional/allergy.

  • Cronic heath conditions

  • Cancers

  • Depression

  • Healing Dad issues ,helping fathers 

  • Relationship problems

  • Relationship boost, enhancement.

  • Cognitive enhancement- All ages

  • Low Energy, focus or motivation.

  • Emotional Eating.

  • Weightloss, muscle gain.

  • Detoxification, addiction.

  • Regeneration

  • Management of anxiety, introversion

  • DNA Activation

  • Tantra and kundallini activation.

Liquid crystals are the earths answer to a modern health crisis.

Why not see if they work for you.?



Liquid crystal is an ancient technology of wisdom, a technology of frequency, a technology beyond mainstream architecture. This Modality has only recently been rebirthed (16years).. We realise that trust is earnt and not given and we ask you to place trust in the earth to heal you. 


As a Practitioner of 8 years Robert is willing to offer a money back guarantee. You will experience  achievement towards your health outcomes or money back.
Its that simple.
Together we vote yes  on our systems of health systems.


True value, genuine  care, Wisdom based practices

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Monday -  Thursday   6:30 - 9:30pm

Friday                        10:00am- 8.30pm 
Saturday                   10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday                      on request

Asc. Master, R.Holland. 
Advanced Liquid Crystal therapist
Teacher, advocate, Healer, Angel, 33.

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